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[closed] Incorrect HTML code in HTML and HTML2 reports

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 4:52 am
by dandv

The header of the comparison table looks like:

Code: Select all

<table><thead><tr><td width=50%>source.txt</td><td width=50%>target.txt</td></thead></tr></table></table>
As you can see, the </thead> is closed before </tr> is closed.

Since we're here, this header should belong to the comparison table (the comparison table is as of v3.75, separate). This would enable compliant browsers to repeat the table header on each page when printing reports.

Hope this helps,
Dan Dascalescu

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 7:03 am
by grigsoft
Thank you, I didn't know about this usage of thead. I will fix this.