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Externalize options/settings

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 10:14 pm
by Ro Ablate
One thing that in previous versions of CompareIt that was a nuisance was I don't always use CompareIt to compare the same way each time.

Each task requires different optional settings, some are subtle and some are majorly different.

I would really like to be able to save these settings in an external file that I can request be used for this comparision.

One last part to this suggestion - make this feature available on the command line and not just through the GUI.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 4:50 am
by jdan
So be able to use a command line parameter, such as /ini= or /config= and then specify a file like the wincmp3.ini file which contains the settings that control the behavior of the comparison?

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:22 am
by grigsoft
In fact /i=inifile is working now too.