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Compare content of dirs without selecting the files

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 10:59 am
by TonHu

Would it be possible to create an option (per project) that files beeing different, are _not_ selected (in the list but un-checked) in the result-window? I'm comparing two releases of the same (large) software system, and have to manually merge corrections, made in the development-version, back to the current release-version (merging with Compare-It! ofcourse), and don't want to accidentally overwrite all differences from dev to the release version :-( (fortunately, that hasn't happened yet ;-) )
Would be just another nice feature IMHO.


Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 12:20 pm
by grigsoft
Hmm, I can do this, but I have to think how to make it less intrusive for most users. The problem is in v3 there is no distinct editor for Sessions/Projects(well, maybe just for Projects, not clear yet). Probably I will have to add some additional settings anyway. For now you can just press Ctrl+Gray- to unselect all files.

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 7:12 am
by TonHu
I found already I can un-select all by right-clicking in the highest level and recursively (de)select all files. (Ctrl+grey-minus is probably the shortcut for this option) For V2 I can happily live with this solution, but it would be a 'nice to have' feature for V3 ;-)
